Wealth Insights

There’s nothing we enjoy more than meeting with you, one-on-one, for a custom consultation to discuss your financial future. In the meantime, we offer a collection of short videos that offer a glimpse into the types of strategies and expertise we bring to the table.

FEATURED INSIGHT: How Can I Quickly and Safely Increase Retirement Savings

Maximize Wealth with Investment Grade Life Insurance: Strategies Inside and Outside the Policy
Explore the potential of using investment-grade life insurance policies for wealth building. Learn how these policies can serve dual purposes, securing a guaranteed death benefit while facilitating wealth accumulation and loans, effectively turning your policy into a financial tool for both saving and borrowing
Secure Your Future: A Unique Annuity for Guaranteed Retirement Income

Exploring an innovative annuity product, this video details how a 30% income account bonus and guaranteed 12% growth can substantially enhance your retirement savings. Designed for those seeking a reliable income stream in retirement, it offers an insightful look into pension-style benefits, long-term care perks, and the mathematical certainty behind the annuity’s growth. A valuable resource for anyone prioritizing long-term financial security and stability in their retirement planning.

Is a Higher Rate of Returns Really Worth the Extra Risk and What Can I do About it?

Home Loan Secrets: Interest Volume’s Impact on Your Mortgage
“Exploring the often-overlooked concept of interest volume versus interest rate, this video demystifies the true cost of a home loan. Using a $300,000 loan example, it reveals how interest volume can significantly affect your total payments, providing crucial insights for smarter financial decisions in the real estate market. Ideal for homebuyers and investors seeking to understand the deeper dynamics of mortgage costs.”

How Can I Save More Money for Retirement Without Sacrificing Lifestyle Today?

Mutual Funds vs Annuities: The $821K Lesson on Investment Costs
Delve into the critical differences between mutual funds and annuities, underscored by a real case study of an $821,000 loss in mutual fund investments. This video highlights the importance of understanding fees, taxes, and guaranteed returns, providing essential knowledge for anyone making investment decisions. Ideal for investors and financial enthusiasts seeking clarity on the most suitable options for their financial goals.

“Annuities vs Market: Smart Moves for Stable Retirement Income”

Exploring the stability of annuities against market investments, this video is essential for anyone planning for a financially secure retirement. It compares the unpredictable nature of S&P 500 returns with the guaranteed income from annuities, offering a clear perspective on risk vs. reward in retirement planning. Perfect for those looking to make informed decisions about their long-term financial security.

Secure Your Future: A Unique Annuity for Guaranteed Retirement Income
Exploring an innovative annuity product, this video details how a 30% income account bonus and guaranteed 12% growth can substantially enhance your retirement savings. Designed for those seeking a reliable income stream in retirement, it offers an insightful look into pension-style benefits, long-term care perks, and the mathematical certainty behind the annuity’s growth. A valuable resource for anyone prioritizing long-term financial security and stability in their retirement planning.

Mastering Investments: Understanding Spreads, Annuities & S&P

Delving into the world of financial calculations, this video unravels the complexities of bank spreads, annuities, and S&P returns. It sheds light on the crucial differences between average and actual returns, the role of fees and taxes, and strategies for effective investment planning. Ideal for those seeking to enhance their understanding of financial markets and tools for informed decision-making in investment and retirement planning.

Financial “Movie of Your Life” Deep Dive: Tailoring Your Financial Future?

Discover the power of the Retirement Analyzer in this detailed guide. This video demonstrates how to use the tool for creating a ‘movie of your life’, encompassing various retirement scenarios. From Social Security decisions to managing assets and expenses, this resource is crucial for anyone planning for a financially secure retirement. Ideal for those seeking to make informed, personalized decisions for their golden years.

The SureWealth Way eBook
SureWealth Solutions – How to Grow Retirement Assets
Intro to CRUTs

Intro to CRUTs – Sure Wealth Solutions founders Scott McRae and Andrew Daniels join Durfee Law Group’s founder and senior attorney Rick Durfee to give a basic introduction to CRUT’s, what they are, and why they matter.